The King's Surprise Bride_A Royal Wedding Novella Page 7
Ash pulls away somewhat and returns my smile. With one hand, she brushes my cheek and searches my eyes, trying to find the answers to a question she’s not sure she wants to ask.
“What’s so funny?” she asks, a tinge of concern in her voice, as though I might answer that she was the matter.
Alas, she knows better—or at least she should—but I take a moment and reassure her regardless. With my hand, I brush her cheek softly as well, then lower my voice before answering.
“It’s us,” I say, “and our kisses and how they’re in sync with the ebbing and flowing tides. It’s like...I don’t know...”
She knows where I’m going. She takes my hand and kisses the tips of my fingers softly before answering.
“We’re one with our surroundings,” she says. “Part of nature itself. Why do you think I wanted to stand in the waves? I want to get lost in it. Lost in you.”
I sigh, still smiling, then reach down to pick her up and place her on my back.
She laughs and smacks me lightly on the back of the head, and I spin her around for a bit as our laughter matches the waves.
I jump a little each time the water hits my feet. It’s definitely more than a little bit cold—colder, perhaps, than I’d have expected given the bout of warm weather. But I focus more on the pleasure of being with Ash and what the day will bring.
“Put me down,” she says suddenly, and as I do, she spins me around and lands another kiss on my lips.
I continue to return her kisses, but I have a burning question that I need an answer to, so I pull away briefly and playfully splash a little water in her face.
“Are you alright?” I ask her.
She looks at me quizzically. “From what?”
I decide that discretion is the better part of valor and tiptoe around the question.
“From your little encounter with Fergus,” I say, the probing tone in my voice becoming evident with each word.
“Oh,” she says, dropping her eyes. “Well...yes. I’m shaken up, to be sure, but I feel safe in your arms. So, everything’s alright now?”
There was a question in her statement—one, perhaps, that she didn’t mean to have.
I smile and scoop her up in my arms again, and it’s only then that I realize that I’m already as hard as a railroad spike.
Steady, old chap, I think to myself. Just wait a few more minutes.
But it’s too late.
She notices my hard-as-a-railroad-spike cock then teases me about it—but just a little—before kissing me again.
She pulls away ever so slightly and only long enough to repeat what she’d said earlier—about feeling safe in my arms.
“I want you to feel safe with me, Ash,” I say softly. “I don’t want you to ever think I’ll hurt you—at least not intentionally. I want you to know that wherever I am and whatever I do, I will always, always be your home.”
That was it—that was all she needed to hear.
We kiss again, passionately this time, with fervent intent.
In tune with us—or we in tune with it—the waves crash at our feet violently, reminding us of the primal urgency we feel toward each other and our mutual need to devour each other in burning, unending desire.
My cock’s now throbbing with desire, and I’m ready to explode with passion, especially as she grinds herself on top of me, reminding me of that familiar feeling of passion, wetness, musk, and...and love.
She, too, must be feeling what I feel because I can feel her wetness coming through her dress and onto my pants. I wasn’t sure at first whether the wetness was coming from between her legs or from the ocean, but the question was soon settled as she guided my hand to the honeypot mound between her legs.
As she glides my fingers inside her pussy, I can feel her wetness build and eventually explode, popping like a luscious cherry on my fingers, shooting her love juices down my palm, her smell permeating through saltiness of the sea air.
It’s no question where this is going.
We turn our heads to the sand, and it is then that we notice that the blankets I’d scooped earlier have been carried by the breeze to the meadow that lies just to the left of the beach and orchard.
How in the world did they get there? I think, but I don’t bother to question it further.
Without so much as a raised eyebrow at each other, we race toward the blankets, kissing each other with almost violent intensity and passionately ripping off each other’s clothes like our lives depended on it.
By the time we reach the blankets, we’re both fully naked and ready to fuck.
As I lay, face up, on the blankets, I take a minute to admire her body as it stands before me, poreless, flawless, and pale but for that spray of freckles across her nose, like a constellation of stars. Curves in all the right places, and smelling oh-so-good.
My cock is standing as tall as a sentry, and I beckon her to me with a slight tilt of my finger.
“Come to me, Ash.”
And of course, she does.
Chapter 15
We are here, together, and now...
As we rush to the blankets blown to their seemingly rightful place in the meadow, it only solidifies my deep desire to be part of the scenery around me—to be part of the very earth I walk on with Drew.
No clothes. No makeup. No overly high heels.
Just me, him, the stars above us, and the waves crashing onto the beach.
He is lying on the blanket now, watching me intently as his gorgeous cock stands tall and at attention, almost beckoning me to come to it.
Or come on it, I think, laughing softly.
Drew beckons me with one finger.
“Come to me, Ash,” he says, his voice dropping at least twenty octaves.
The smell of lilacs is in the air, and I’m looking around to see where they’re coming from exactly while sliding my body onto his, positioning my pussy perfectly and easily atop his cock.
Oh, he’s ready now, I think as Drew stiffens even more inside me. I am, too.
He sits up to face me and begins teasing my nipples with the tip of his tongue—first, he draws a circle around it, closing in on my nipple with a swirling motion, and then, when he finally reaches it, begins sucking on it violently until I moan with both pain and pleasure.
I stop him briefly and ask him what I’ve been dying to know since our time in the barn.
“Do you like causing me a little pain, Drew?”
He looks at me with the most confused look I’ve seen on a man’s face in a fortnight, and he finally answers.
“No? Why would I get off on something like that?”
I sigh, confused myself.
“I don’t know,” I say. “It just seems like you like seeing me in pain, even when you’re supposed to be giving me pleasure.”
He laughs slightly. “Never,” he says. “I don’t ever want to see you hurt. Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin, though. And have you noticed that it only takes but a few minutes for the pain to turn into pleasure?”
I smile. “I may have noticed.”
He doesn’t give me a chance to finish my train of thought before he’s tossing me onto the blanket. He takes his cock out—which I regret for only a moment—before spreading my legs wide, using his left hand to spread my pussy lips open.
I throw my head back and close my eyes, ready to experience full ecstasy.
And he doesn’t disappoint: he places his tongue on the right side of my clit, then begins moving his tongue in a clockwise direction, taking care to hit each part of my pussy until I feel so full with orgasm that I can’t take another minute more.
On instinct, my legs lock around his neck and my hands run through his hair, and it’s when I do this that he switches his technique, moving his tongue from side to side, between each pussy lip’s end, until finally I come in his mouth once, twice, and three times.
He looks up at me, his mouth still firmly between my legs, and gives me a wink as
he takes the time to lick my pussy clean of all the juices.
Seeing him use his tongue to clean me only causes more to come out for him to deal with, and it’s only when I finally throw my head all the way back and close my eyes that I’m finally able to stop coming in his mouth.
When he finally pulls away, he tilts my head up and gives me a look.
One that screams ‘Time to put that mouth of yours to good work.’
Now it’s his turn to lie on his back, and I slide my lips over his rigid cock, letting out a yelp of surprise as he turns me round so he can work my clit as I increase the speed at which I suck on him.
I love the feel of his cock in my mouth—the way it fills me, emulating the yearning I feel for that same fullness down below. I take my time, taking in more and more of him as I feel my hips thrusting against his fingers.
I cry out in shock when he slides them into me; I hear him vaguely laugh at my reaction as my mouth works all the harder on his dick.
And just when it seems as if Drew may be close to coming himself, he flings me off him.
And it’s then that he decides to finally fuck me.
But even then, he still wishes to tease me. He starts by sliding just a small part of his cock inside me, jiggling it around for a little bit then pulling out when my breathing starts to hitch.
He does this again and again and again, slowly increasing the length of him entering me.
Each time he pulls out, he watches the look of anticipation on my face, hoping that this time, this time, he’ll oblige my wishes and slam the full force of his cock into me.
Just when I’m about to literally beg him for it, Drew does what I’ve been yearning for.
With a predatory glint in his eye and a preparatory intake of breath, he thrusts the full twelve inches of his dick into me, and I let out a scream, unbidden.
The feel of it inside me and against the hypersensitive flesh of my clit is too much. I feel another orgasm roll over me as Drew pounds into me, again and again.
“You want me to come inside you, Ash?” Drew whispers into my ear as his breathing gets shallower and more frantic.
As if he had to ask.
I kiss him fiercely.
“I’ll go insane if you don’t. Please, please come inside me, Drew,” I beg, still in the throes of my own ecstatic orgasm.
“Oh god, Ash!” Drew lets out as I feel him reach the edge and topple straight over it. “Yes, Ash, yes. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
For a moment it seems as though he hadn’t intended to say that out loud, but I smile up at him as he fills my insides up with hot fluids.
“I love you, too.”
I’ve never loved anyone the way I do Drew. I’m beyond happy that he was the one who took my virginity and not—
No. I won’t spoil the moment by thinking of Fergus.
I look up at Drew, his eyes heavy-lidded with exhaustion and satisfaction as he collapses beside me.
I can’t wait to do this again.
Chapter 16
God, everything is so perfect.
Naked. Sweaty.
Drew’s strong, muscular arms wrapped around my body as we nestle together. Like two puzzle pieces that make the perfect fit. There’s seriously no other place I want to be but here with him.
I reach up and kiss him on the lips, then I smile and wrinkle my nose, which always makes him smile that big, handsome grin. It’s enough to make me want to grab him and fuck him all over again.
Suddenly, I sit up.
“Let’s go again,” I announce hungrily.
He laughs and pulls me back down to him.
“My naughty little princess, you’re deranged!” He nuzzles his face into my hair as I giggle. “We haven’t even caught our breaths yet.”
I sit up again and start mounting him. I know he’s right—I’m way too exhausted to go another round right this second—but part of me can’t help feeling like I want to keep the fantasy going.
Everything is so perfect with King Andrew. But when we’re not having sex, I slowly start to realize the bleak reality of the situation—King Fungus.
As perfect and magical as everything currently is with Drew, I can’t ignore the fact that I’m still engaged to Fergus, and right now he’s back at the palace probably looking for us.
God, what is he going to do to me?
It’s moments like this where I wish I had short-term amnesia that would allow me to forget everything about Fergus.
In a perfect world, I could marry Drew and we could live happily ever after without any conflict attached to it. If I decide not to marry Fergus, it might complicate the alliance between the countries.
As royalty, I can’t just make decisions based solely on emotions. In fact, most of it is purely political, which is complete bullshit.
What good is politics if my life gets ruined in the process?
If I have to spend a lifetime with Fergus—a man who would have willfully raped me this evening—I’m not sure if I can fulfill my duties as princess without wanting to hurl myself into the ocean.
Why can’t I just be free to make my own choices? Why can’t I just have sex with Drew on the beach, or in the meadow, or in the orchard, for the rest of my life and never have to think about kingdoms, alliances, or Fergus ever again?
Fuck reality, I just want to keep living in this moment with Drew.
“I want to have sex with you forever.” I run my hands down Drew’s rock-hard chest. I swear, I’m sure I could break a plank of wood on it. “If we stop having sex, I’ll start worrying about everything that’ll happen to us once we return to the palace.”
Drew’s eyes look concerned as he sits up and wraps his arms around me.
“There’s nothing to worry about,” he whispers. “We’ll handle that little weasel, Fergus. I don’t want you to get anxious about it.”
“How can I not be anxious about it?!”
I wiggle out of his grasp and start getting dressed. Drew watches me with lustful eyes, so I stop and purposely leave my dress partially open.
“Listen, don’t worry about that bastard,” Drew says as he sits up. “I think I know how I can handle him.”
“How’s that?” I ask. “You knocked him out! When he wakes up, he’s going to be pissed. What if he retaliates, huh? I know for a fact he’ll have some cruel plan up his sleeve. He’s evil.”
I scoot closer to Drew, who caresses my face with his large hands.
“He’s a son of a bitch, alright,” he says with a grin. “That’s why we have to fool him at his own game.”
“What do you mean?”
“That little prick is clearly up to something,” Drew says as he scratches his beard. “I overheard him and his military advisor friend talking about something that sounds very much like a sinister plot is afoot.”
Honestly, hearing this should surprise me, but it doesn’t. Since I’ve met him, Fergus has been nothing but rude and disparaging to me and my country. I wouldn’t put it past him to have some ulterior motive up his sleeve.
But hearing it confirmed by Drew just solidifies that my suspicions were correct.
And I’m mad as hell.
“What exactly did he say?”
“Something about pretending to like your country and promising a deal to his advisor,” he says. “I didn’t catch the entire conversation, but it’s obvious that he’s planning something that might end up hurting you and your country.”
Drew reaches up and starts wiping away tears from my face, which completely takes me by surprise because I didn’t realize I was crying.
Taken aback, I wave his hand away to wipe away my own tears. I feel embarrassed for some reason.
“That fucking asshole,” I say. “What are we going to do? We have to stop him!”
Drew looks out into the sunset, and the wind blows through his perfect hair. He looks like a statue or a painting. He’s so beautiful; he almost looks as if he belongs in a museum.
bsp; “I think I have a plan,” he says slowly. “But it might require you to do something you might not like.”
I snort. “Like what? Have sex with Fergus?”
“Oh god, absolutely not!” Drew looks like he’s going to throw up. “Over my dead body. I’ll never let that little weasel touch you again.”
Seeing him all riled up gets me feeling a little horny. He’s so hot when he’s like this.
“But I’m engaged to him,” I tease him, “so I might have to at least blow him a couple of times.”
Drew’s face contorts like he just ate a lemon. “I’ll kill him,” he says in a low voice. “I’ll destroy him if he even thinks of doing anything with you.”
A mischievous grin slowly spreads across my face as Drew realizes I’m messing with him.
“Cut that out,” he says, now grinning. “You know how I get when you say things like that. It just...makes my blood boil.”
“I know,” I purr. “And it’s hot. I love it when you fight for my honor.”
Drew reaches over to me and looks me in the eyes. His eyes are so piercing, I feel like I’m going to fall into him.
“Well, you’re worth fighting for.”
He grabs my hand and kisses it, like a loyal knight to his queen. I feel like the ground has disappeared beneath me and I’m floating...
And then I remember Fergus again.
Ugh, I wish I could just erase that little wort right out of my life and start all over again with Drew.
“We have to get rid of Fergus,” I say. “We can’t keep going on like this. We need a plan.”
Drew nods his head in agreement. “I told you, I have a plan, but you might not like it.”
“Why?” I brace myself.
Hopefully it’s nothing too disgusting. But knowing Drew, I don’t think he’ll intentionally put me in any harmful situations.
“Fergus is up to something, but I don’t know what.” Drew looks down at his hands, his perfect hair drooping into his eyes. “I need to find out what his plan is because, whatever it is, it could be dire for all of us.”
“Okay, okay,” I say. “But how do we find out what his plan is?”
“Well...” Drew stretches his arms behind his head as he leans back down. “That’s where you come in.”