Baby Bargain_A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance Page 7
“Good night,” Jenna calls after me in a sing-songy voice. It’s only as I’m opening my bedroom door that my word-choice hits her: “WAIT! Dirty details?! HOW DIRTY, ROSE?! HOW DIRTY!?!?!”
I hate to leave Jenna in the lurch…only, I kind of don’t. I’ve always had to share everything with my cousins, be it clothes, or secrets, or Halloween candy. Jenna and I even share a birthday.
I’ve always been kind of a private person, and for once, I’m feeling kind of smug about keeping this sexy story to myself. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it—in fact, I know that Jenna would probably die of jealousy if she heard it all.
Something between Daniel and myself feels…special. Kind of sacred…and secret…and holy.
Maybe I’m just still half-dumb from how hard he fucked me, but I really want to believe that there could be something more going on here…
Or maybe I just need to stop being such a fucking romantic and hit the hay.
Either way, when I wake up the next morning, there’s a message from Daniel waiting for me.
Good morning, gorgeous, the text reads, and if that doesn’t make my heart go pitter-patter, I don’t know what would.
I consider my retaliation text carefully because, yeah, I’m apparently a starry-eyed, fifteen-year-old all over again when it comes to this guy. Part of me wants to believe that he’s actually into me. That last night was actually as crazy-awesome as I feel like it was.
That there could be something real growing between us.
The other part of me is playing the cynic. It figures that this dude just has some kind of weird pregnancy fetish, and I’m a willing participant.
Good morning to you too, I send back and then, feeling sudden wave of sauciness, I add a winky face.
Sufficiently reassured that I am, in fact, a texting genius, I venture out into the kitchen and dodge another coy line of questioning from Jenna over my morning coffee.
“Rose, I’ll die if you don’t tell me,” she says, pouting.
Luckily, I can deflect her line of questioning by leaving for work, and I know she’ll be off soon with my adorable nephew to pick up her hubby form the airport.
“I’ll tell you later!” I say, practically running out the door. “Love you!”
“Love you, too, ho!” she says, covering my nephew’s ears for the last bit.
She’s a good mom, Jenna. Just, holy shit, I’ve never met a nosier person in my life.
Work is work. Another day, another dollar—whatever. The exciting thing, of course, is my ongoing chat with Daniel—who has responded super positively to my ongoing flirtation-via-emoji.
New resort opening this week. Want to get away for a couple of days? his latest message reads.
I fantasize about it for a full minute: Daniel and me, lounging around on another sexy beach, soaking up the sun, and rubbing each other’s bodies with sunscreen until—unf—his fingers curl beneath my bikini bottoms, pulling them downward as he lowers his mouth…
Then, I come back to reality with the awful truth:
I’d love to :) Need to check with my boss about getting time off, though.
Let me know, he messages back. I need to see you again, beautiful.
He doesn’t add a winky face, but I’m pretty happy with the results nonetheless. The prospect of enjoying two whole days at one of Daniel’s resorts has butterflies coming to life in my stomach. I feel like when I open my mouth to ask my boss for the time off, they’ll fly out and flutter around the office for the rest of the day.
Maybe my inner optimist is right. Maybe this can be something. The more I obsessively scrutinize Daniel’s texts to me, the more hopeful I become.
…but not too hopeful, of course. My inner cynic is still along for the ride, pinching me to make sure I’m not dreaming with every passing moment.
I know he’s a playboy, and I know I shouldn’t let my guard down…
But that doesn’t stop me from allowing myself to get my hopes up.
Just a little.
Chapter 11
Rose is a fine conversationalist. Yeah, that’s right…I care about that kind of shit, too. It’s not always just about the pussy.
Although I have to admit…the conversations almost always lead to pussy in the end.
But Rose isn’t just a good conversationalist. She’s cute, sweet, funny, smart―and sexy as hell. So, what’s the problem, right?
Why does there even have to be a problem, you ask? Alas, the world isn’t perfect, and neither is any relationship I’ve ever been in.
I have a problem. A mental issue.
Well, allow me to rephrase. I have a setback when it comes to sex that perhaps might prove itself to be unfavorable under the circumstances of this extremely unique situation I’m currently in with Rose.
Okay, I’m just going to come right out and say it:
I can’t come without a condom on my cock.
There, happy now?
Yes, it’s a mental thing. I don’t know why or when it started, but I’m always extra careful when I fuck women. Like obsessively so. To the point that I’ve trained myself to only cum fully protected.
I mean, I don’t want to have a horde of bastard children just walking around out there, while the baby mamas beg me for child support. I’ve seen enough of that shit with my step-siblings.
I’m literally shuddering at the idea right now.
Here’s the thing…Rose wants me to give her a baby. I think we’re both fully on board with the plan after our date the other night.
So how the hell am I going to retrain myself to be able to jizz out the special sauce without a condom? She pretty much needs my sperm filling up that cunt and overflowing, and the idea makes me both quiver with dread and jump for joy with excitement.
My point?
My tedious little problem has the potential to become our problem if I don’t at least put forth some solid effort to remediate the issue somehow. Given that having a child with Rose is part of the current plan, yeah…I have my work cut out for me.
It’s been a few days since I last saw Rose, so imagine my delight when my phone buzzes on my work desk, and I notice that I have a new message from her. Grinning, I scoop up the phone to check, secretly hoping that she’ll want to get together today.
Hi! I just want to let you know that I’d love to take you up on your offer to have lunch at your newest resort hotel. I’m willing to pack a bag for a few days of fun.
She ends the text with an adorable pink heart and a grinning smile emoji. I internally chuckle a moment. Why the fuck do these emoji’s do me in?
Rose is the fucking cutest, and I genuinely love spending time with her. Why else would I agree to be a live and participating sperm donor if I didn’t?
The little getaway will also be a fantastic way for us to get to know each other better and explore each other’s bodies in a more intimate way. Of course, I’m looking forward to the hot-as-hell fucking the most, but the condom problem is looming in the back of my mind.
I already plan on savoring every inch of her delicious and decadently smooth body, her warm skin, and her feminine scent. She’s amazing―pure perfection, really―and she leaves me with a throbbing in my cock that’s fucking insatiable. Given the chance, I’ll dive into her over and over, with more than a little enthusiasm.
Rose, I’m fucking thrilled. Pick you up first thing in the morning.
I send my response and smile with something I suspect is close to giddiness. And fuck, that’s never happened before. This woman…
My quest to have the most amazing woman on the planet give me my heir is well within my reach, and, well, let’s say I always get what I want.
The next morning, I’m at Rose’s doorstep, parking right outside of her apartment building to pick her up.
I’m so eager to spend the day with her, I make sure to whisk her away as early as possible so that we don’t waste a single minu
The resort is about an hour and a half away, so I want to leave plenty of time to get there before lunch.
“Good morning,” Rose practically prances down the sidewalk to greet me.
I grin, unfamiliar, wild affection taking hold of me. Just looking at her juicy red lips and long, wavy hair makes my cock so hard it fucking aches.
She’s wearing a pastel yellow sundress this time, accentuating her gorgeous tan. She slips a slender arm around my waist and hugs me close. She smells incredible.
She plants a tender kiss on my cheek and gives me a seductive bat of her eyes. “It’s so good to see you.” The words drip from her lips like honey, and I want to devour every last drop.
I swallow hard, intensely trying to hide my growing boner in my pants.
“I’m thrilled to see you, too,” I tell her with a wink.
I help her climb into my car—I drove the Lamborghini this time—and we ride off, coasting down the street. Rose turns to smile at me.
“Tell me about your new hotel.” She says it with genuine interest, which I fucking love.
“It’s going to be completely fucking awesome,” I admit with pride. “You’ll absolutely love it, believe me.”
Rose smiles and crosses her legs in the passenger seat, revealing more of her thighs that makes me drool. Fuck, I want to be right in between them right now.
“I have no doubt I’ll be impressed,” she says.
“It’s just a soft opening, not the grand opening yet. There won’t be a lot of press and PR to worry about, and this way will be better because we can have some privacy.”
“I like privacy,” Rose winks at me, and my fucking heart actually skips a fucking beat.
Jesus, what’s she doing to me?
If there’s one non-physical trait I can say surges me into even deeper desire for Rose, it’s the fact that I can tell she’s not materialistic. She’s not the type of woman that usually just wants a piece of me, and I can see through to her true colors that she’s a down-to-earth type of girl.
I’m beginning to notice that she gets excited over the simple things in life, the things that really matter.
In my opinion, fawning over the little blessings is what makes life spectacular, and I’m thankful that I have that in common with Rose. She’s a rare flower, for sure.
After a while of talking and laughing in the car, I pull up to the valet at the hotel, and a concierge welcomes us as I pass off my keys to the valet.
“Hello, sir.” The concierge bows before me extravagantly. “What an honor it is to have you here today for lunch with us.”
“It’s a pleasure.” I’m almost embarrassed by how showy he’s being. I thank the enthusiastic man and gently place my arm around Rose’s petite waist.
The concierge beams at Rose and gives her a tiny little bow, too. “Good afternoon, madam, it’s a pleasure to have you here with us for lunch.”
“Thank you,” Rose says politely.
We walk inside the hotel together.
I glance over at Rose and immediately smile when I notice how she’s absorbing the grandiose lobby, filled with modern, elegant touches and sprays of colorful orchids adorning the counters and tables.
“Do you like it?” I grin.
Rose eyes me as if I’m crazy. “Are you kidding? It’s stunning! Amazing! Just…wow.”
I chuckle. “Thank you. We pride ourselves on presentation, and the first impression is always the most important.”
“You certainly don’t disappoint,” Rose says as she gazes with what looks like fucking adoration into my eyes and squeezes my hand.
“Thank you, my lovely lady.”
I am totally fucking floored by this woman.
“Be careful, if we swoon over each other too much, people might start to talk,” Rose warns playfully.
“Let them talk,” I scoff, unaffected by what other people think.
I lead her to the restaurant that’s tucked away in a cozy corner in the back of the hotel.
“This looks swanky,” Rose whispers.
“Not to mention trendy,” I quip.
“I can’t wait to see what’s on the menu,” Rose states and rubs her flat, toned stomach. A stomach I’m quickly wanting to see nice and round with my baby. “I’m starving.”
“I’m pretty fucking hungry, too,” I whisper into her neck, loose with the sexual innuendos.
Rose catches on immediately. She glances up at me with a naughty, devious smirk. “Maybe we should save room for dessert.”
“Darling, there is always room for dessert.”
I smile as I push open the door of the restaurant to allow her to enter first.
“Good afternoon.” A tall, friendly-looking hostess greets us with a bright smile. “Table for two?”
“In the back, please,” I instruct the young girl.
As soon as I respond, a look of recognition sparks in the hostess’ eyes.
“Holy crap, you’re the owner of this hotel, aren’t you?”
I nod. “Indeed, I am.”
“Wow, well, in that case, you can have our finest booth in the back, private and secluded from most of the restaurant. Please, just follow me.”
The girl bounces away with us in tow.
When we sit down at the table, Rose is grinning at me with amusement.
“What?” I laugh as I place my white cloth napkin in my lap.
Rose shakes her head. “Nothing, it’s just…well, you’re quite the celebrity over here.”
I laugh dismissively. “Hardly.”
“Oh, come on,” Rose places her hand softly on my arm. “Give yourself some credit. You work hard, you deserve it.”
“Well…” I smile. “Thanks.”
“What’s not to enjoy?” She smiles. “You’re sexy, smart, and charming.”
My cock hardens again. “And you, my dear, are incredible. Thanks for coming with me.”
“I’m always up for a free meal,” she teases, trying to get a rise out of me, but it doesn’t work. I know she’s not using me for my money. She’s using me for my cock.
But I plan on making this a lot more than that. There are plenty of details we haven’t worked out with our baby bargain, but I have plenty of stipulations in mine. Like the fact that I want to keep Rose around me for…well, maybe forever.
We order mimosas and tuna steaks with risotto. Once the food comes, we eat in companionable silence, relishing in the delectable and savory feast.
I feel totally at ease with her. It’s like conversation isn’t even necessary. We’re both just happy to be here.
“This lunch is absolutely incredible,” Rose says when she’s had her fill, leaning back and sighing with contentment.
“Do you want to hear something else that’s incredible?” I give her a devilish grin.
“Always,” she whispers seductively.
“Your legs,” I tell her and move my leg to push my knees between hers, spreading them wide open.
She lets them fall apart, lets me ease her open like a blossoming flower. The intense heat between us fills my cock with a rush of blood as it pounds, pulses, and stands at attention, practically fucking bursting from my pants.
The fact that we’re alone, yet still in a public place, gives me more fuel to act on the sexual tension and chemistry that swirls around us.
Sure, I want to fuck her right here on the table, but I know that won’t be acceptable. Plus, I’m the fucking boss. I should probably maintain some amount of propriety, whether I fucking want to or not.
“I have to say, it’s fucking nice that every time I see you, you’re wearing a dress,” I tease her.
“Easy access?” She giggles.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I say and take a deep breath.
Christ, Rose has me wrapped around her finger already.
The craziest part? I fucking love it.
Chapter 12
Easy access. I like the sound of t
hose words.
It might be easy access for my fingers, but for my throbbing cock—it’s an entirely different story. And it’s my cock that really wants to get inside her pussy.
But, if it can’t be, I’ll have to make alternative arrangements. After all, I’m a man full of fucking ideas.
I watch her dip a piece of bread in olive oil before bringing it to her mouth. Her lips pucker a little as she takes the delicacy between her teeth. Oil drips down her chin.
Instantly, I reach out with a finger to clean up the mess.
She smiles.
I decide to change position. Sitting across from her means I can’t quite reach the part of her I really want to taste tonight. And since I know her legs are stretched far apart, it’s time to make my next move.
I slide into the seat beside her. Our bare skin touches, and I can practically feel the fucking scorch marks.
She looks at me intently as I dip my fingers in my glass of water and pull out an ice cube.
I grin at the confusion on her face. I drop the hand with the ice cube under the table and press it against her thigh.
Her breath hitches, and her eyes widen at the sudden cold contact.
I bring the ice cube up to her hot and wet pussy and push it against her clit.
She holds her breath for a few seconds, and when I move the melting object across her sensitive flesh, I hear her breathe slowly.
A dreamy look appears on her face, and those delicious red lips curl up into a soft smile.
The ice has melted, but I leave my fingers where they are, stroking her pussy. I feel her scoot forward to push harder against my hand, as if she’s eager for more.
I smile.
“A little impatient, are we?” I tease.
Just then, the waitress comes to check on us. “Anyone up for dessert?”
“Shall I order dessert for you, my love?” I ask.
Rose nods, and I see her lick her lips. Her cheeks have reddened a little, but I leave my hand where it’s comfortable. No point drawing attention to its current position.
It’s not like anyone can see what I’m doing anyway. For anyone standing near our table, it would just look like I’ve got my hand resting on my lap.