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Spring Break Bride: A Virgin For The Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 4

“How’s it going, ladies? What are we drinking?”

  “Sex on the Beach,” Allison winks in my direction.

  I can’t help but chuckle. Anyone with eyes could tell she’s interested in me.

  If I had met her under different circumstances, I might have—no, I definitely wouldn’t have taken her to bed. She pales into insignificance against Nicole.

  Either way, I’ve got other things on my mind.

  Namely, Nicole and how fucking amazing she looks.

  “And for you, my lady?”

  “Champagne. After all, we do have a lot to celebrate. And I can’t believe how beautiful Venice is!”

  Nicole’s excitement is clearly getting the best of her, and Allison is obviously at a loss because she smiles at me apologetically.

  “First time, you know…”

  I smile back. I get it.

  The Floating City is enough to take anyone’s breath away the first time you see it. Hell, this isn’t the first time I’ve been here, and I’m still amazed by all it has to offer.

  “Oh, stop, just because you’ve seen it all before, Allison, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it again and again,” Nicole pushes Allison’s shoulder, laughing.

  “That’s what she said!”

  The animated chatter between the girls continues as I head to the bar to place our drink orders and arrange for them to be delivered to the table.

  “So, have you decided on your costumes yet?” I ask the girls, sitting back down at the table.

  Nicole must be a bit chilly because her nipples are standing at attention.

  They’ve certainly got mine—that’s for damn sure.

  I wonder what kind of face she’d make if I ripped her dress down and took her nipples in my mouth. The image is so clear in my mind that my cock is beginning to stir.

  Down, boy—she’s Ryan’s.

  Ugh, Ryan. That fucking douchebag.

  “No, we haven’t.” Nicole and Allison shake their heads.

  “Well, you definitely need to get married in a costume and mask, that’s how it’s done. There’s a really good shop at Calle del Scaleter, top-notch stuff.”

  I give them directions before deciding it’s safer if I go with them. “Come to think of it, I better go with you. Tourist crime is up, after all, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you beautiful ladies.”

  A pensive look crosses Nicole’s face.

  “If you’re worried about the cost, don’t. I’ve got it covered. Consider it my wedding gift to you two.”

  “No, it’s not that,” Nicole states, chewing on her bottom lip.

  Could she be any sexier?

  “I doubt Ryan would agree to the whole costume idea. He was never keen on it when I mentioned it.”

  I watch her fingers entwine. How would they feel around my—stop it.

  I rouse on myself again. This woman is bewitching me.

  Sounds like typical selfish Ryan, alright. Would it kill him to do something to make his bride happy?

  “Leave Ryan to me. I’ve already changed his mind; he’ll be there decked out in full costume, you better believe it.”

  She still looks skeptical, but I can tell she’s coming around.

  As the afternoon wears on, we’re all chatting away and doing a damn good job of getting tipsy.

  Nicole is certainly more than what I expected. She’s beautiful, yes, but she’s smart, too. Her laugh sounds like angels singing and the way her tits bounce each time she giggles is almost more than I can bear.

  I’m still wracking my brain to figure out just how to approach this situation.

  Do I tell her what an ass Ryan is, or do I let her find out for herself?

  This should be a question for an ethics class, I decide. It’s too late to get a second opinion, and there’s no way I can phone a friend. The only friend I could phone would be asshole Ryan, and I know what he’d say.

  Fucking moral dilemma the bastard has put me into. I swear next time someone asks me to be best man at their wedding, I’ll flat out refuse.

  My eyes are drawn to Nicole. Again.

  The one thing I can honestly say, though, just from this brief encounter, is that Nicole is far too good for Ryan. He doesn’t deserve a minute of her time.

  The only thing he’s good at is hurting women, and unfortunately, I don’t see any other ending than him hurting Nicole.

  I’ll be damned if I let that fucking happen.

  She’d be much better off with someone else.

  Someone like me, perhaps.

  Chapter 7


  The three of us decide to leave the bar in favor of hitting the city to explore. I’m giddy with excitement—and honestly, a little bit buzzed—but at the same time, I can’t help but wish that Ryan was here with us.

  He is my fiancé after all, and this city is filled with romance at every turn. Love practically bounces off the pavement, walls, and water. It’s everywhere.

  Of course, if he were here, he’d likely spend the entire time complaining and insisting that I go on my own. It’s just one of his quirks, so it’s better that I do it now while he’s not around.

  We’ll have the rest of our lives to sightsee like this in cities around the world, right?

  At the same time, the disappointment is eating me up from the inside out.

  I know that he’s been here before, and this is old news to him, much like Allison, but I can’t help but wonder why he has no interest in exploring with me.

  Even more than that, I’ve been here for the better part of a day and still haven’t heard from him.

  “There are a few things you must see when you visit Venice,” Dante’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. “You’ve already taken a gondola—and a dip in the canals,” he snickers.

  “Ugh, don’t remind me,” I groan, rubbing my forehead.

  That definitely wasn’t one of my finest moments, and I’m pretty sure I’ll never live it down. At least Ryan wasn’t here to see that, because he’d have probably told me that I was being childish, and the last thing I want to do is look childish in front of him.

  “Well, don’t worry. I’ll hold onto you when we get to Ponte di Rialto.” A smile plays on his lips, and I find myself eyeing them a little longer than I should.

  He has a very dashing smile and full, sensuous-looking lips. Part of me wonders what it would feel like to kiss them.

  I gasp, a little louder than intended.

  What the hell has gotten into me? Why am I thinking about kissing Dante when I’m getting married to Ryan tomorrow?

  The streets are just so beautiful.

  I’m overcome with romanticism. I must be missing Ryan.

  Yeah, that’s it. That’s all it is.

  “Have you been to Piazza San Marco yet?” Dante asks, and it’s all I can do to thank goodness that he can’t read my mind.

  I shake my head.

  “Well then, that’s where we’re headed!”

  When we arrive, I gasp again at the sheer marvelousness of the architecture surrounding me, and my excitement bubbles up, for perhaps the hundredth time today.

  “What a gorgeous sight!” I exclaim, bobbing back and forth on my heels. I look up at Dante who’s smiling at me, and my heart does a little pitter patter.

  The sun is beginning to set in these early evening hours, so the Piazza is starting to come alive. It’s illuminated with what seems like a thousand lights, and it’s simply awe-inspiring.

  I know I look like a tourist, but at this moment, I can’t find it in me to even give a shit.

  Now, I’m really missing Ryan. I imagine him and I walking arm in arm, taking in the charming atmosphere and talking about the history each of these buildings represents.

  Of course, deep down, I know that’s not at all what we would be doing, but it’s okay to fantasize a bit, particularly the day before the most important day of your life, isn’t it?

  We spend the next few hours touring Venice, walking and taking advantage of w
ater taxis. Eventually, we arrive at the door of the costume shop that Dante recommended.

  “Ladies first,” he says as he holds the door open for Allison and myself.

  I find myself charmed at what a gentleman he’s being.

  After all, Ryan has never opened a door for me the whole time we’ve been dating.

  The difference between Ryan and Dante is like night and day. Ryan’s very stiff, while Dante just goes with the flow. Honestly, it’s a nice change, for once.

  The inside of the shop simply blows my mind. Ornate masks with detailed designs adorn the walls, some with feathers, others with velvet, all equally stunning. Elegant outfits with chiffon, lace, and fringe sit on mannequins, beckoning me to try them on.

  “Ooh, look at this one!” Allison squeals as she picks up a full face mask with scrolls and intricate metallic detailing.

  “This one’s perfect for you,” Dante holds a half mask up to my face, nodding as he does. “Very fitting for a beautiful lady.”

  For once, I’m glad my face is obscured behind this mask—I can feel the heat of a blush creeping up my face.

  He’s such a charmer, and even if he’s only saying it to be nice, he certainly knows how to make a woman feel good about herself.

  I nod, taking it from him. The white velvet mask is exquisite and graceful, and I immediately spot a dress that will go perfectly with it.

  While Dante turns back to the masks, presumably picking one out for Ryan, I run my fingers over the soft satin. The dress is perfection in every way.

  It’s white with a fitted design at the waist and flared skirt that goes all the way to the ankles and the most subtle of trains flowing behind that makes it the ideal dress for our ceremony.

  The neckline plunges, leaving just enough to the imagination. The most perfect thing about it though, is that it has a red shimmer throughout. I couldn’t find a more perfect dress if I had one custom made.

  I try it on in the changing room, confirming that this dress is indeed the dress. It hugs me in all the right places, and when I hold the mask up to my face, it blends seamlessly together.

  I can feel the joy rising in my chest. Ryan is going to be blown away, I can just tell.

  I change back into my original outfit, and see Dante picking out the final touches of Ryan’s ensemble. The mask he chose perfectly matches mine, though it’s black to contrast with my white one.

  “What do you think?” He says holding the mask and costume up side by side.

  “Perfect, right?”

  I nod. They truly are perfect, but I still have my doubts about Ryan going along with this.

  “They are, but Ryan…”

  “I said it before, but trust me, I’ll handle Ryan.” He gives me a charming wink. “What are best men for if not for convincing the groom to wear the best outfit possible?”

  His easy-going manner fills me with hope. If anyone can persuade Ryan, it’ll be Dante.

  After finishing our shopping, the three of us head back towards the hotel.

  “How about some dinner before you ladies call it a night? We can go dancing afterwards.”

  Allison is chomping at the bit.

  She’s been fussing and fawning over Dante all day. To be perfectly honest, I can’t blame her. He’s hot and knows how to treat a lady.

  I can almost see the wheels turning in her head, figuring out a way to get Dante to invite her for a nightcap.

  “I don’t think so,” I feign a yawn, fully intending to throw Allison a bone. All she needs is some alone time, and Dante’s sure to fall for her beguiling nature.

  It doesn’t matter if she spends the night with him, because I have Ryan and—

  “Oh, come on... look,” he holds up his phone, showing me a message from Ryan that asks him to look after me. “What kind of best friend would I be, if I let his fiancé end the night without some food and dancing? Trust me, it’ll be fun.”

  He’s got me there. How many more times will I have the opportunity to go dancing? Every time I’ve asked Ryan to take me, he’s flatly refused. This may be the last time, other than the wedding, that I get to dance the night away in a beautiful city.

  My eyes drift back to the message on the phone. Ryan got in touch with Dante, but hasn’t responded to any of my messages. The niggling doubt is settling in, and a night out might just be the welcome distraction I need.

  “What the hell?” I shrug, smiling at Dante. “Nothing wrong with one last hurrah, right?”

  Chapter 8


  The music is pulsing as we walk into Baciamo e L’amore, one of the hippest, most exclusive clubs in Venice. You have to have some real pull to get in here, especially with the long lines that extend around the street corners.

  Fortunately, my name carries a bit of weight in the world of glitz and glamour, and I’m able to easily get us in.

  The decor is swanky, with red, velvet booths, ornate chandeliers, and a chic bar setup with top-notch liquor and baristas that are easy on the eyes and come with a whole lot of tricks up their sleeves.

  The dance floor is bustling, with men and women dressed to the nines. Some come to land a conquest for the night, while others simply want to enjoy a night out on the town in fashionable style. I tip my hat to all of them.

  If the girls are impressed, they hide it well. But this isn’t about impressing anyone.

  My main goal is to keep Nicole’s mind off Ryan, but I also want to get to know her better. I slip one arm around each of their waists, keeping them close to me while we head to the VIP section upstairs.

  I must look like a real fucking Don Juan strutting through the club with a gorgeous chick on either arm—and yet the only one I have eyes for is the blazin’ brunette that’s betrothed to my fucking asshole of a best friend.

  What shitty luck.

  Allison is already sashaying to the music as we enter the lounge, nudging me with her hip while Nicole’s eyes are everywhere, taking it all in.

  Nicole is dressed in a hot-to-do sparkly silver number that makes it damn near impossible to keep my eyes level. They keep gliding down her backside, following her perfect curves to her sexy derriere.

  All this on display, and no fiancé to be found. Pity.

  Nicole takes a seat on one of the plush couches, crossing her long, lean legs in such a seductive manner that I feel like I’ve got a front-row seat to my own version of Basic Instinct.

  I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t an inkling of arousal happening in my pants.

  I sit next to her, and we order drinks, which come in record time. It’s just one of the many perks of being a VIP.

  “Not bad for a night out, huh? Aren’t you glad you came?” I raise my glass to the girls in a mock salute.

  A Negroni for me and a Bellini for the girls—typical Italian cocktails that go hand in hand with any night on the town.

  “I’ve never been here before, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorites!” Allison chirps up from her high-back chair, clearly feeling the vibe in the club.

  “But of course, my lady. I’m the envy of all the men here. A gorgeous girl on either arm, you can’t beat that,” I smile my best roguish smile and wink at Nicole.

  She chuckles, and her smile makes my heart jump. She’s stunning as it is, but her face really lights up when she smiles.

  “You’re a real tomcat, aren’t ya?”

  “You wound me, bellissima,” I dramatically throw the back of my hand over my face while clutching my chest.

  Cocking an eyebrow, she laughs. “Am I wrong, though?”

  “Tonight’s not making a good case for me, is it?”

  “Ya think?” she grins.

  “Curse my good luck with the opposite sex…so which one of you am I taking home?”

  That gets her, and she laughs a beautiful laugh. A song to my ears, and it’s not long before all I see is her.

  Allison is preoccupied with chatting up one of the camerieres, and I’m quite relieved, because now I can d
evote my attention the only place I want to.

  It’s so weird, this effect Nicole’s having on me. Since I laid eyes on her, she’s occupied so much real estate in my head that I could literally own half of fucking Manhattan by now.

  Allison begs off shortly after our first round of drinks, waxing poetic about an ex-lover that she’s just found again.

  “Not a problem,” I say. “Leave Nicole to me, I’ll make sure she gets back safe and sound.”

  Somehow, our conversation drifts to university, and I discover that she was an art major, too. Granted, I only took art because I didn’t want to fucking study, but evidently, Nicole has a real passion for it.

  “Ryan never told me that you went to school for art, let alone that you were good at drawing.”

  “Well, he thinks it’s childish and doesn’t like it when I do it, so I haven’t in a while.”

  What the actual fuck? Who is this guy?

  How dare he tell Nicole what she can and can’t do? The longer we talk, the more I’m convinced that she’s too fucking good for him.

  “Well, I’d love to see something sometime.”

  She’s more than happy to oblige and grabs a pen from the table, her fingers brushing mine. A brief charge of electricity makes us lock eyes before mine drift to her red-stained lips.

  She quickly looks away and sketches a picture of the canal on the back of a napkin.

  I watch her intently, taking it when she’s done.

  The details are so vivid, from the graceful arches to the shadowing, you’d think she was staring at the canal as she drew. The fact that this is all from memory is mind-blowing.

  “Holy shit, that’s amazing,” I blurt out as I look between her and the sketch. I can swear I see the hint of a blush on her cheeks.

  I normally prefer my women to be bold and feisty, but there’s something so fucking sexy about Nicole’s shyness that I want to take her in my arms right here, right now.


  There’s one way I can do that without committing the ultimate fucking faux pas.

  “Ooh, they’re playing my song.”

  I’m lying, but she doesn’t need to know that this is all a ruse to get her close to me.