Baby Bargain_A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance Page 4
“For starters,” I continue, “a gold leaf milkshake is on your menu.”
Rose squeals like a tween girl. “I’m so excited.”
“Then, I believe fried pickles will be coming your way, too, with a fantastic spicy Dijon glaze to dip them in.”
“Oh, wow.” Rose raises her eyebrows. “Sounds fancy.”
“Look around you,” I tease and gesture to the fine dining establishment.
“Touché,” she says with a laugh.
A few minutes later, our food arrives, and I watch as Rose’s eyes become as big as the platters adorning the table.
“This is, um…quite possibly the greatest lengths I’ve ever seen a guy go to in order to impress a woman,” she says and takes a nibble from the bowl of exotic French fries.
“I take a great deal of satisfaction in making sure any date of mine feels well cared for.”
“I can see that,” she laughs. “Regular pregnancy cravings can eat their hearts out.”
She scoops up a pickle and gobbles it up.
I have a twinkle in my eye as I watch her sample food from the platters. I admire a woman who isn’t afraid to eat on her first date.
And fuck. She sure is cute as hell.
“You know,” she says with a smirk, “I had to check you out to make sure you aren’t a serial killer.”
I explode into laughter. Fuck, this girl is too much.
“I understand. I had to make sure you aren’t going to cut off my balls and wear my scrotum over your face like a mask, either.”
Rose shivers in response, and to my genuine relief, looks completely repulsed.
“Um, that’s fucking disgusting,” she tells me. “I want to enjoy this delicious food you were so kind to order me.”
I drink her in, every ounce of her astounding beauty. I’m already intoxicated, but not by the champagne. This girl sitting across from me is making my head spin in the best ways possible.
“Well, I wouldn’t put it past one of your crazy ex-girlfriends.” She smirks.
“Let’s call them extremely creative fans,” I laugh in response.
“There are quite a few.”
She sips on her champagne and gives me a sultry glance over the rim of her glass that fucking floors me. I’m melting under the spell of her cinnamon eyes.
Rose dabs her lips with a napkin and clears her throat, a coating of seriousness waxing over her face.
“I have to admit,” she begins, “I know this is kind of crazy. But in my situation, time is of the essence. I don’t want to waste either of our time here.”
I swallow a bite of food and nod, glad that she’s the first one bringing the pressing matter to a head.
“However,” she gestures animatedly, waving around her slender fingers adorned with freshly manicured French tips. “This is all happening so fast. You still agree that we should get to know each other a little better first before making any decisions…right?”
She gives me a sheepish glance as if she hates to draw attention to the elephant in the room, but I know the topic must be brushed.
“Yes, of course.” I flash her an honest smile. “We need to make sure we’re a compatible match.”
Although I enjoy eyeing her sexy body and feel attracted to her physically, I still need to scratch off the task of making sure she doesn’t proudly wear the title of ‘insane bitch.’
“We don’t know each other yet.” I smile and add to reassure her further. “In time, we will.”
“Thank you.”
Her shoulders visibly relax with reprieve as she nods and smiles graciously. “I have to ask you, though, why are you even considering this?”
I shift in my seat, wondering how much to tell her. I decide I might as well go all in.
“Well, honestly, I need an heir for my companies. And I’ve had a hard time in that department.”
Her eyebrows practically reach her hairline. “Um, according to the internet, there are plenty of people out there more than happy to help you out.”
I grimace. “Yes, and as you so nicely pointed out, none of the women I’ve dated have had much going for them in the sanity department.”
“So, why me? You don’t even know me. I could be just as crazy.”
She’s a breath of fresh air so far, being so upfront about everything.
“Let’s just say you need something, I need something. It’s business. And I think you might just make a great business partner.”
Yeah, it’s a cold way to put a damper on our flirtation, but I need more time to make sure that she’s the real deal, not another one of the women out to get a piece of me. Even though if this pans out, she’s going to get a very real piece of me.
“It’s better to play our cards right and exercise patience,” I continue. “We don’t want to get down the road with a baby—if it gets to that—and realize we’re polar opposites.”
“That’s very true,” she nods in agreement, adding, “I can absolutely live with that and agree one-hundred percent.”
“I have an excellent starting point,” I tell her. “Would you like to go out on an official date with me sometime next week?”
She chuckles. “Wow. If this isn’t a true first date, and you consider this just a ‘meeting’ of sorts, then I cannot wait to see what tricks you have up your sleeve next week.”
I admire her honesty.
“So, is that a yes?” I grin, not quite sure why I’m holding my breath―but I am just the same.
“Yes.” She nods enthusiastically. “It’s a yes.”
I clap my hands together because I’m really fucking pleased at how the evening is going so far. “I have some things I need to wrap up in the office next week, and I’ll have to check my calendar before I can pin down a date. Once I have one, I’ll give you a call. Does that sound fair?”
“Very reasonable. I’ll check my schedule as well in the meantime, and we can iron out the details later.”
We order dessert, but I have my own plans for a treat, and it involves every drop of Rose. I ask her what she has planned for the rest of the evening as we walk out to the car.
“I’d like to offer to take you home,” I say.
“That’s sweet of you, but I can take a cab.”
Her eyes dart around the busy Manhattan intersection as she folds her arms across her chest.
I know that look. She’s feeling awkward and uncomfortable, not sure how to act now that we are supposed to be parting ways. I have a better idea.
“It’s really no trouble at all,” I say, laying it on thick with yet another wink and grin. “You are the only date I booked for tonight.” I attempt to lighten the mood with a joke.
It works, and she agrees, nodding her head and smiling.
“Okay, fine. You can take me home. Let’s just hope you don’t turn out to be a serial killer after all.”
We climb into my car and I watch as her dress rides up her thighs, exposing some tantalizing and fucking delicious-looking flesh.
Fuck, I want a taste of that.
I grin at her. “Of course, it’s what a gentleman would do.”
Gentleman, indeed. I climb in behind her, forcing myself to be that gentleman.
At least for tonight.
Chapter 6
“This one is a little slutty. Definitely go with it.”
My cousin Jenna holds up a backless black dress with a plunging neckline. She’s always one to say what she wants, and she has no filter, like ever, when it comes to her open and brutal honesty.
I just laugh and shake my head. “God, Jenna, he’s going to think I’m a hooker.”
Jenna playfully hits my arm. “Girl, stop it. Live a little. At least somebody should.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I plop down on the edge of the bed while Jenna continues to rifle through my closet.
“Come on,” Jenna gives me a blunt stare. “Let’s face it, these stretch marks aren’t going to get
me anywhere.”
“You’re happily married,” I remind her. “With a beautiful son named Jayden who’s sleeping in the next room.”
“Whatever.” Jenna rolls her eyes, and I just have to laugh. She’s crazy. I know she loves motherhood; she’s just playing around.
Oh, yeah… she’s the only person I’ve told so far about Daniel and our little ‘arrangement’―if you can even call it that―in it’s still budding stage.
Jenna and Jayden are spending the night at my place while her husband is out of the country at a business conference.
Jenna is always going to have my back and be supportive, no matter what. She’s my safety net, and I know she’ll clock a guy right between the eyes if he stands in the way of my happiness.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” She turns to give me a look as if to say she doesn’t mean any harm by the statement, but she doesn’t want me to recklessly endanger myself, either.
“Why?” I laugh, teasing her. “Let me guess, you’ve heard better?”
She smirks. “Yeah…I have to admit, I have. You’re supposed to be the rational one.”
“Don’t worry about me,” I assure her as I graze my fingers over the soft throw pillow on the bed. “I have everything under control.”
“You’re like the person in the horror films who leaves the room and says they’ll be right back…. only they never come back.”
Jenna slaps her knee and roars with laughter at her own little joke.
I roll my eyes. “I thought you said you were going to be supportive?”
“Sweetheart,” Jenna plants a soothing hand on my shoulder, “believe me. No one on this whole green earth is more supportive of you than me.”
She places her other hand over her heart to honor her servitude to my cause.
“Thanks.” I chuckle and pick up the slutty black dress. “Maybe this little number isn’t so bad after all.”
“I told you. You should always listen to me.” She gives me a naughty little wink.
“Do you want to see a picture of him?” I sit up straight and pull my iPhone from the back of my jeans pocket.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Jenna laughs as if I’m stating the remarkably obvious.
I pull up his face on the screen, and Jenna immediately whistles.
“Holy shit, Rose.”
“I know, right?” I grin proudly.
“He’s saucy,” Jenna marvels.
“Delicious,” I add.
Jenna takes a step back and glances at me as if she’s sizing me up. “So…you haven’t actually had a taste of him yet?”
“Nope.” I shake my head. “We’re going to take it slow and get to know each other first. Then we’ll see where things lead.”
I swallow hard just at the thought of where this could lead. I mean, yeah, my biological clock is ticking, and this guy has everything I asked for…but right now, I’m thinking about the fun we could have working to achieve our ‘business’ goal.
“You know I’ll be rooting for you,” Jenna reminds me.
“How could I forget my biggest cheerleader?” I say and look at Jenna, who has a twinkle in her eye.
“You know what?” Jenna sits down beside me. “On second thought, just go for it. Seduce the guy. He’s fucking gorgeous, a once in a lifetime fuck. Who cares where it goes? Get you some of that, girl.”
I belt out a huge laugh. “Jenna!”
I get embarrassed when she talks that way, although I have no idea why.
In the end, I opt for the sexy little black dress, much to Jenna’s delight. She waves me off, nearly pushing me out the door to greet Daniel in his already waiting car.
As soon as I walk the few steps down the block, Daniel climbs out of the car with a wildly handsome and eager grin on his face.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
He smiles and kisses my hand. Then, to my befuddlement, he glances up as if he’s distracted by something.
I turn around to determine what the hell he’s staring at, and jump as I notice Jenna standing there.
Jesus, Jenna.
She clears her throat and waves, grinning mischievously.
“Hi,” she says, and bounces on her heels. “I just wanted to meet Rose’s new friend.”
I force a laugh, and give her a look.
I’m not irritated, it’s just the way Jenna is. Like I said, she’s not afraid of anything, or anyone. But still.
“Daniel, this is Jenna, my cousin.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jenna,” Daniel replies, extending a hand to her.
Meanwhile, Jenna is floating through the clouds or something because she looks like a giddy school girl who’s finally getting to meet her celebrity crush.
“So, Daniel,” she flirts, “do you have like a brother or a cousin you could set me up with?” She licks her lips, and twirls her brown hair around her index finger.
Daniel laughs politely, obviously taken off guard. That’s where I swoop in to save him.
“Jenna!” I exclaim in a reprimanding tone.
“What?” Jenna smirks.
“Um…hello?” I laugh. “You’re married, in case you’ve forgotten?”
“A girl can look, can’t she?” Jenna giggles friskily.
Rolling my eyes, I climb into the car after Daniel opens the passenger door for me.
“Whatever! Just go back into the house before you get yourself—or me—in trouble.”
I give her a sly grin, and she waves goodbye to us, bouncing happily back up the steps.
“That girl is too much,” I shake my head apologetically.
“I think it’s entertaining,” Daniel confesses, grinning.
“Really?” I look at him with surprise.
“Sure.” He shrugs as we ride off together. “I have a big family, too.”
“So, you know what the torture’s like.” I laugh.
Of course, I’m only kidding. I love my family, and couldn’t imagine life without all those crazy-ass people.
Daniel drives us to an out-of-town resort. Frankly, I can’t wait to get out and explore because I’m one to never pass up an opportunity for a decadent night out. I’m not a freeloader by any means, but I’m totally looking forward to the evening.
Turning to grin at Daniel, I decide to have some fun with him.
“Do you always behave this gallantly when you entertain your female friends?” I implore.
“Female friends?” He chuckles and gives me a side-glance.
“Come on,” I demand. “Appease me a little. Make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world.”
“Okay, Rihanna,” he laughs, and I playfully slap his arm.
“Alright,” he says with a wink. “Let me just say it then. You’re crazy fucking gorgeous, and maybe, just maybe, I went a little overboard for tonight’s occasion.”
“Hey, you don’t hear me complaining,” I giggle in response.
We approach a cabana that appears to be directly on the shore.
“Wow,” I marvel at the surroundings, taking it all in. “This is incredible.”
Daniel looks pleased as he explains why this is his first choice for bringing me to dinner on date night.
“I have a confession to make, too.” He winces and stops short.
“Oh god, what is it?”
“I googled you, too.”
“Well, of course you did,” I state. “Any normal person would. I mean, you realize what kind of crazy situation we’re in.”
“Yeah. Anyway,” he says with a laugh, interlocking his elbow with mine. “I find you extremely attractive, and I wanted to impress the hell out of you. Judging what I saw on social media, I can tell you like the beach and the shore.”
“Ding, ding, ding…we have a winner!” I proclaim with a giggle, my finger pointing to the sky. “If your aim is to impress me, you’re off to an exceptional start, mister.”
“Why, thank you.”
He blushes, coming off…humble? T
hat’s a trait I’m not used to seeing on a man. I mean, I certainly didn’t expect that from Daniel.
He’s totally cocky, the way he strides around acting like he owns everything…
Wait a minute…he does own everything! So yeah, the humility’s an interesting development. I should be careful not to judge him before I actually get to know him.
“All kidding aside, I have to say I’m touched by your thoughtfulness,” I confess.
And I genuinely mean it.
We get to the cabana on the beach side, where we can glance out at spectacular, million-dollar views of the Atlantic Ocean in all her pristine glory.
It’s a gorgeous night with a refreshing breeze that tickles the hair on my neck.
The cabana has white curtains on the side that billow and dance in the wind.
Okay, I admit it. This setting is crazy sexy―and romantic as hell.
“Not one detail has been forgotten here,” I remark and point around to everything I see.
“We’re also going to get to enjoy a magnificent sunset.”
“That makes the whole night right there,” I reply.
“What about me? Don’t I make your night?” He feigns offense.
I give him a naughty wink. “So far, so good. We’ll just have to wait and see how good you can make it.”
We order lobster, oysters, and every other kind of seafood aphrodisiac you could ever imagine on the planet.
I eat to my heart’s content, then lean back in the lounge seat, feeling positively stuffed. I take a sip of my chardonnay and bask at the radiant splattering of purples, oranges, and pinks that paint the sky with the surrounding sunset on the horizon.
“It’s such a beautiful canvas…” I trail off dreamily.
“The sky?” Daniel asks with a smile.
“Yes,” I say, and point a finger at him. “You…you are so on my level, little boy.”
“Little boy? We’ll see about that.” A belly laugh escapes his lips. “You’re getting a little tipsy, aren’t you?”
I shrug. “Unwinding after a long and stressful week never hurt anyone.”
What? Like I’m going to admit that I have three drinks on a regular night? Bitch, please!
“You better watch yourself, or somebody might want to take advantage of you.”