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Spring Break Bride: A Virgin For The Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Read online

Page 10

  To be honest, I’m not just gaping at how good she looks, like people might expect a guy like me to do.

  “It’s as Venetian as it gets, Nic. Prosecco, peach...something or other.”


  “You know your stuff.”

  Nicole has finished absorbing the ambience, and now she’s back to smiling at me, knowingly.

  “So, they invented peach juice here? Along with all those old and/or dead famous people—and Kim Kardashian—hanging out here?”

  “I knew you knew your fucking stuff. They did invent the Bellini right here at Harry’s, but, really, who gives a shit?”

  Just a small step across the old, wood floor—not a step of my foot, but a step of Nicole’s towards me—just that one small step, and I start transforming into an anxious, tongue-tied teenager.

  Not that I ever even was a tongue-tied teenager, but as Nicole approaches me slowly, no words are coming to me naturally—or at all. Dumb, awkward, and insatiable fucking yearning is consuming every bit of me.

  So, I just do what she’s doing.

  I smile. And I don’t go in for a kiss. I almost take a step backwards—but I stop myself just short of doing that.

  Somehow, when I asked that silly question, I broke down some kind of barrier between us. We both felt it collapse, and Nicole’s taking the opportunity to get a bit closer, literally.

  Okay, I take a step back after all.

  There was no hesitation in Nicole’s stride as she stepped towards me that I could sense, but that doesn’t mean there’s none there at all.

  There’s also some sense of yearning and need in her eyes that reflects my own, but there’s something in her gait, in the way she holds herself now, even in the way she’s looking at me, that makes it crystal goddamn clear that she’s venturing into territory that for her is fully uncharted.

  And to me, that means she may not realize what she’d be getting into, or even what she really wants right now.

  “I certainly don’t,” she says softly, almost whispering, but not quite.

  “You don’t want, Nicole? I plum fucking forgot what...”

  “I don’t give a shit. But, I do want a drink.”

  Yep, I’m still grinning through it all. I just can’t help it—especially when she says shit like that.

  “That’s why I m...yeah, forget that joke. Let’s get a table so we can get a Bellini.”

  Harry’s may not be the most smoothly run joint in the world, but they sure have enough fucking tables to suit every tourist who strolls through the door.

  I take a page from the Book of Nicole and do away with any fucking sense of hesitation as I take a seat at a table by the window—facing away from it so Nicole can look out.

  “So, you don’t need reservations here?” Nicole asks as she sits down across from me.

  “It’s just a bar.”

  I must be regaining some idea of the right thing to say, because just like that, a waiter appears out of the fragrant goddamn thin air of the bar.

  His face is some blend of self-possessed and relaxed as fuck, that you really only see on this continent.

  “A Bellini for the signora.”

  This motherfucker must’ve been listening to us or something because he already has two yellow cocktails ready for us in champagne glasses.

  At the moment, I’m not bothered by it at all. When you’re taking someone like Nicole out on the town, you better make sure that town has chilled fucking cocktails ready the moment you mention them.

  And, thank fuck, things just start flowing smoothly.

  A couple more Bellinis. A plate of carpaccio, fucking naturally.

  Rice pilaf a la Vienzia.

  Cipriani Risotto, Chilean Sea Bass alla Carlina, and something called Italian Love Cake...

  I know—what’s up with that name, right? It was so fucking good, though.

  Not as good as the conversation—at least, what I can remember of it. My weird jitters just fucking melted almost as soon as those first drinks came out—and the ensuing drinks that came out with each course didn’t hurt, either.

  That carafe of red wine we shared at Canal Bar afterwards hurt even less.

  “Isn’t it nice to get away from the States, with our puritanical public drinking laws, and enjoy a glass of Cabernet out here under the Venetian stars?”

  “Are the stars Venetian, Dante? Don’t they belong to the cosmos?”

  “I should fucking hope so. I love Neil Degrasse Tyson.”

  “Remind me why I married you again, Dante? I mean, obviously I’m also a Degrasse Tyson fan, but I’m only human.”

  That’s Nicole, deflating every vestige of discomfort I would, and by all rights should be feeling, while at the same time looking so goddamn amazing that I almost trip and fall into the canal at the start of our post-drinks gondola ride.

  The ‘post-drinks’ part may be affecting my coordination just a tiny bit, too.

  “Smooth, Dante. Don’t trip and drown on your way out of purgatory, buddy.”

  “I guess I need your help finding paradise, Beatrice.”

  “I knew you’d find a way to call me that sooner or later.”

  Nicole’s smile and the depths of her eyes make my knees start to feel like gelato as we settle into the gondola, but I couldn’t be fucking happier. I pay the gondolier a generous amount so he leaves me in charge. I reassure him that I’ll leave his precious gondola at the Aman for collection later.

  As I push us off into the still night, I’m amazed how attracted to this woman I am. Even the notion of trying to have sex with her tonight is fading faster than my Bellini and wine buzz as we glide through the cool, quiet canals.

  “You know, I think you’re right, Dante.”

  Nicole’s gazing up at the night sky, and I’m gazing over at her.

  “I think the stars are Venetian. Each and every one of them.”

  My heart is pounding so loud I fear she might be able to hear it. I abandon any notion of sex with her tonight. I just watch her enjoy this incredible evening.

  After everything she’s been through, it’s all I could want for her.

  Chapter 19


  Suddenly, my idea no longer seems such a good one.

  I mean, I’ve already bathed in this canal, and I’m sure once is already one time too many.

  But now that I’ve suggested it, Dante has gone out of his way to arrange the gondola. With a little trepidation seeping through me, I sit in it.

  Why is it that I blurt things out before I think about them? Where was the filter?

  If I had actually thought about it for a microsecond, I would’ve remembered my dip in the murky water and probably not voiced my wish for another ride in the gondola.

  Now that I’m here, I guess I’ll just have to make the most of it.

  I watch tiny bits of light dance across the dark surface of the water. The moon is out, and its light is reflected everywhere. It’s simply magical.

  As we glide past alleyways and dark buildings, I can see an occasional shadow of what looks to be cat, and I’m reminded of the old movies. I think of the Hitchcock films and the cat woman. A shiver runs down my spine.

  Eventually, I take my eyes off the water and find Dante.

  My husband.

  The words are so strange. And yet he’s such a dashing figure I don’t mind calling him my husband.

  His tall dark figure is handling the ore of the gondola with ease.

  He sees me looking at him and smiles.

  “Milady has a particular request?”

  Do I ever. Each and every one of my nerve cells is begging—no, screaming—to be touched by him.

  I mean, I thought I was going to lose my virginity on my wedding night. My wedding night has been and gone, and I’m still a virgin. What will I need to do?

  “I can think of one or two,” I reply and inch toward him.

  There’s so much distance between us. It feels like an entire ocean.

  “Well,” he prompts. “Am I going to have to guess, or are you going to spill the beans?”

  His words make me laugh.

  Funny how Ryan never made me laugh. In fact, Ryan rarely laughed himself. And here, Dante has this amazing ability to put humor into just about each and every one of his sentences.

  “For starters, the gondolier could take a break and come a little closer.” I pat the seat beside me.

  I’ve got no idea if one of these things can just float by itself in the canal or if you need to keep a hand on the rudder at all times. Come to think of it, I don’t even know if it’s called an oar or a rudder. Is there a difference?

  Who cares? I decide.

  Dante chuckles and ties a rope around the piece of wood he’s been holding.

  We seem to keep gliding silently through the water.

  The contrast of the city at night to during the day is amazing. There’s no one about, and it’s not even particularly late.

  Not a soul can be seen or heard.

  “Now that I’m here,” Dante whispers into my ear, “what does the lady want?”


  My insides are about to melt at his words and his presence. I can feel his warm breath on my neck, and I ache for him to touch me.

  I have no idea what’s gotten into me.

  I mean, I never felt like this in all the time Ryan ever got close to me.

  “You could start by doing this.” I take his hand and put it on my tits.

  Now he’s looking me straight in the eyes.

  Tiny electric sparks fly between us. I can feel them.

  Whereas before my insides were warm and fuzzy, his look has ignited a raging inferno in me. The heat is strong, and it engulfs all of me.

  Right now, a dip in the cool of the canal water would be a welcome relief.

  His hand starts to rub across my nipple. Gently, he moves from side to side while his other hand now travels along the inside of my thigh to find my pussy.

  A sound escapes my lips. It could’ve been a moan, a groan, or a combination of both.

  Instantly, he pulls his hand away.

  What the fuck was he doing?

  “Nicole,” he whispers, and I feel like pushing him down on the floor of the boat and demanding he take me. “I…” he starts and stops.

  I’ve not known for him to be ever lost for words.

  Was there something wrong with me?

  “It’s your first time, isn’t it?”

  I nod.

  “I…” This time, I’m kind of lost for words. What does one say now?

  His fingers play with the edge of my top. Our eyes lock. Do it, mine says, and his are filled with concern.

  “I just want you to be sure,” whispers Dante in my ear and starts to nibble on my lobe.

  “I’m sure,” I mumble and let my hands travel up and down his back.

  Slowly, he peels my top off and throws it on the floor.

  For a while, he just stares at my pale skin and deep purple lace bra. I know my chest is heaving, but try as I might, I can’t slow my breathing.

  Almost in slow motion, he first pushes down my right bra strap before doing the same to the left. Then he unclasps it, and the next minute my tits are free. They bounce up and down a little, as if celebrating their freedom.

  I close my eyes as his mouth covers my tit and nipple. His tongue caresses, and his teeth nip and pull.

  My body shudders with pleasure.

  Briefly, I wonder if one can die from too much pleasure. If so, I may not be much longer for this world.

  As his mouth is doing the most amazing things with my right tit, he’s using his hand to make sure the left one’s not feeling left out.

  I throw my head back and close my eyes. My body feels as if it’s going to dissolve from all this intensity.

  And then, just like that, he stops.

  I see he’s breathing hard and fast. My eyes rake over his body and linger on the huge bulge in his pants.

  When will he pull his cock out? Should I ask, or should I be leading?

  As he’s looking at me, I extend my hand forward and put it on his crotch.

  A mixture of emotions crosses his face.

  “Shit, Nicole,” he growls and grabs my hand.

  I stare at him.

  His reaction leaves me a little confused.

  “I…” he mutters and shakes his head. “Have you seen the full moon tonight?”


  Had he really just asked me about the fucking full moon?

  I mean, give me a break.

  For the briefest of seconds, I hesitate. Then I make a decision. It’s time I take charge and lead the way.

  Like the Roman emperors lead their army into battle, I’m going to lead myself into losing my virginity. I fear if I don’t, it might not happen tonight either.

  As far as I’m concerned, I’m well and truly ready. I’m so fucking ready I’m about to go up in flames.

  If he wants certainty, I’ll give him certainty.

  Without warning or saying anything to him, I get up and push him backwards.

  The element of surprise is on my side, and I’m pleased to see Dante now lying on his back on the seat of the gondola.

  Before he can get up again, I straddle him. I put a leg on either side of him and put my pussy right up against his crotch.

  Granted I’m still clothed, but my intentions are fucking clear. If he doesn’t get what I need now, I don’t know what else I need to do.

  The second I’m in position, his hands find my tits again.

  I lean forward and kiss him.

  Our mouths melt into each other, and my tongue pushes right into him.

  At first he kisses me gently and softly. But after only a few seconds, his restraint seems to be wearing off.

  The animal in him is being unleashed. The shackles of restraint are broken.

  His hands leave my tits and find my ass. He squeezes and massages and pushes me on him.

  Now this is more like it.

  I don’t complain when he sits upright again because I know he’s just changing position.

  We both have to get rid of some of our clothing to get down to the nitty-gritty.

  With one quick movement, he’s out of his pants.

  I gasp as I catch sight of his massive cock. It’s totally erect, standing straight up in the air. It’s huge, and I wonder how it’s going to fit into me.

  Frozen, I forget to take my own clothes off. But Dante’s here to help.

  He’s done this before, I can tell. Expertly, he peels me out of skirt and panties. Then he sits me back on top of him.

  If I thought he was just going to force his way into me, I was wrong.

  He’s got other plans.

  Shivering with excitement and anticipation, I marvel at the feel of his cock against my naked skin.

  Chapter 20


  The feeling of Nicole quivering naked in my arms is quite possibly the best feeling ever.

  Not because I’m a sadist or because I get off on women being afraid, but because I can feel her excitement for what’s to come.

  She’s shaking slightly, but her eyes, sparkling in the moonlight, are telling me she wants me.

  I want her just as badly. No—probably more.

  I’ve fucking wanted this since I first laid eyes on her, and the feeling’s only grown stronger in the days since.

  I lean down, kissing her softly. It’s a mere brush of our lips.

  It takes everything in me to maintain my self-control.

  In reality, I want to fucking devour her. I want to make her come over and over. I want her to scream my name so that it echoes in the canals around us.

  Who gives a shit if we wake up the entire city?

  I want everyone to know just how good I’m making her feel.

  Instead, I look her deeply in the eyes, searching for any hint of uncertainty or hesitation.

  I see none.

��re sure?” I ask, my voice just above a whisper. It’s husky with want and need, but I can’t force this on her. I know I’ve already asked this question, but I need to be absolutely fucking certain.

  If we start now, I know I won’t be able to stop. The physical desire is steadily building in me. My cock’s already throbbing and standing to attention.

  She smiles that irresistible smile of hers and nods, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Take me, Dante. Make me yours. Now.”

  That’s all she had to say.

  It’s innocent, yet sensual at the same time, and it’s driving me absolutely wild.

  I lean down to kiss her again, deeper this time. When she parts her lips slightly, I take the opening, plunging my tongue into her mouth.

  I kiss her down her neck, nipping at her soft skin in some places, sucking lightly in others. One palm glides down her waist, while the other cups her perky tit.

  I flick my tongue over her nipple before taking it in between my teeth.

  “Oh!” she gasps and arches her back, pushing against my mouth. I growl against her skin, letting her know just how much I appreciate her reaction.

  My eyes skirt up to hers, and I can see the flushed look on her face.

  What a fucking turn-on.

  For someone with no experience, she certainly knows how to get a guy’s motor revving.

  I let my other hand wander down to her pussy, slipping a finger between the lips. I lightly stroke back and forth, over her clit and her opening.

  “Ah, ah!” she pants as I move my finger with alternating speeds and spread her wetness around.

  Knowing she’s a virgin, I have to take this slow. I push the tip of my finger inside her, looking up to make sure she’s okay.

  If there’s any pain, she gives no indication.

  Her head’s thrown back, with her gorgeous hair spread across the bench.

  Moans escape her lips as I push my finger even further in, moving it in and out to ready her for my cock.

  I’d like to be modest and say I’m just your average guy, but my cock is fucking huge. If I don’t get her ready now, I’ll end up hurting her and that’s the last thing I want to do.

  I take her nipple in my mouth, sucking hard as I push another finger in with the first one.