Baby Bargain_A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance Read online

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  And I’m completely game for it.

  And I’m impressed Rose is asking me to tone things down. Human nature and my own experience dictate that people want more.

  Once the carrot of luxury and what money can do for you is dangled in front of someone’s nose, their appetite is piqued, and they can’t get enough of what they once only dreamed of.

  Clueless as to what ‘simple’ thing we can do tomorrow, I do the only thing anyone would do in my situation. I consult Dr. Google. Sure enough, after I type in simple things to do on a date, it takes less than two seconds for three hundred and fifteen billion results to appear.

  I scroll through the results, scanning the headlines.

  Fifty Fun Things to Do on a Budget

  One Hundred and One Ideas to Do With Your Date if you Have no Money

  Twenty-five Ways to Impress Your Date on a Shoestring Budget

  I cringe at each and every one of those headlines. I don’t want to read about things to do with Rose on a budget. There’s no budget to stick to. My budget is, well, it’s whatever I fucking want it to be.

  But her words buzz around my head like bees in a bottle looking for the way out.

  After taking a deep breath, I open one of the promoted websites.

  The picture of a couple strolling along the beach, hand-in-hand, catches my eye. They look like they’re walking into the sunset.

  I scroll through the list of cheap things to do. The suggestions range from walking hand-in-hand to browsing a second-hand bookstore or visiting an art gallery.

  I can’t see how any of those things will appeal to Rose. They’re too simple.

  With a sigh, I click onto another site.

  Surprise, surprise. It’s another suggestion for walking along the beach holding hands, going on a picnic. Visiting local bric-a-brac shops, making a fire outside and toasting marshmallows, and visiting a park to feed the ducks. Fucking seriously?

  I frown. Were these people for real? Who writes this shit? I want to spoil Rose and impress her, not bore her to tears.

  The longer I search on the world-wide-web, the more confused I get. One thing’s for sure—the most common piece of advice is that walking hand-in-hand on the beach thing―or anywhere for that matter, as long as it’s fucking hand-in-hand.

  I’m not convinced, but I vow to give it a go tomorrow. I promised we’d do something simple, and I never renege on a promise.

  The next morning, I’m prepared to put my research to the test. There’s something else I found out about Rose when I did some online research on her after we first met.

  “Morning, my beautiful Rose,” I greet her, holding a breakfast tray.

  Rose yawns, stretches, and blinks a few times. Her nose wrinkles a little as she sniffs the air.

  “Mmmm,” she begins, “what do I smell?”

  “I’m glad you asked.” I put the tray down to show her what I prepared. “Black coffee, toast, and sausage.”

  I want to say, I hope this is simple enough for you, but I bite my tongue just in time.

  Instead, I say, “I kind of did a little research on you and saw you like sausage.” I hesitate when I feel those large cinnamon eyes on me. “I…um…I assume you like this kind of sausage,” I point to the cooked sausage on the plate, “and not this one.” I point to my groin.

  Rose bursts out laughing. It’s a belly laugh, the kind that has her doubled over, holding her abdomen.

  Hearing her laugh makes me feel good, makes me feel like I’ve achieved something.

  There are tears streaming down her face, and she wipes them away.

  “Oh, Daniel.” She’s trying to catch her breath. “What can I say?” She grins, and it’s a wicked one, like a drink that I want to fucking drown in. “I like them both. But I like the sausage to eat, and yours…well, you know where I like yours.”

  A glow sparks in me and quickly grows into a flame.

  We eat breakfast in bed and laugh and joke about all sorts of things.

  “So, what are we going to do today?” When she’s finished eating, she curls up, cradling her cup of coffee and staring at me expectantly.

  For a few seconds, I’m so mesmerized by her that I forget what she asked.

  “Um, yes. Today. I thought we’d do something simple before we head home in the late afternoon.” I can’t understand why I’m suddenly acting like a fucking teenage boy who has never talked to a girl before.

  “Sounds good.” Rose leans forward and gives me a little kiss on the nose. “I’ll go and freshen up.”

  It’s a slow start to the day, which suits me. I’m still a little uncomfortable with this simple day concept.

  When Rose is finally ready to leave the room, we head outside. She looks at me expectantly.

  I lace our fingers together, and I see her steal a glance at me.

  With a deep breath, I take a step toward the beach.

  “I thought we’d simply go for a walk today. Look at the water, collect some shells and,” I hesitate, “you never know, build a sand castle.”

  With a confidence I don’t feel, I start to walk. To my surprise, she falls in step with me and grips my hand a little tighter.

  As we stroll along the edge of the water, me holding Rose’s hand, I catch her looking at me in wonder from time to time, and it makes me feel like a million fucking dollars.

  Looks like this simple thing isn’t so hard after all. And as we walk on the edge of the water, the waves lapping at our feet, I think it’s actually not a bad way to spend a date.

  I feel very proud of myself, like I really achieved something today. I have this insatiable desire to prove to Rose that I can be anything she wants me to be.

  I don’t understand it. I’ve never felt like this about any woman before, and I’m suddenly really fucking glad I went into that tea shop…

  Chapter 19


  The second his lips are on mine, I feel my knees go all jelly-like. And when his hand then finds my breasts, oh god, I think my common sense takes a leave of absence.

  All I can think about is his massive cock in me, and maybe even—no, we haven’t agreed to anything yet.

  Stop thinking, I tell myself and try to rally my thoughts.

  In the dim darkness of my now empty brain, I take note of a door opening and closing again. Should I worry?

  Where were we again?

  Thoughts are trying to push through the fog of desire, lust, and animalistic passion, which have taken up residence in my head, but it’s no use.

  “Rose,” Daniel whispers into my ear, and his warm breath sends little shivers all through my body.

  Birthday. Party. House.

  Random words poke in and out of my mind.

  By now, one of his hands is under my skirt. I can feel his index finger pressing against my clit.

  “Oh, Daniel,” I moan and let my hands run down his back. My hips press forward into him.

  I shift my weight a little and knock into something in the process. The resulting smash and liquid on my legs interrupts what we’re doing.

  “Shit,” I mumble and peel myself off Daniel.

  The glass I’ve taken out of his hands only minutes before seems to have fallen off the little table I put it on and smashed into millions of pieces.

  “I better get this.”

  I run my hand through my hair and head into the kitchen. Flames flicker in me, and it’s difficult to concentrate.

  I see him standing there.

  On my hands and knees, I’m level with his cock. I lick my lips. Almost of their own accord, my knees scoot forward a little so I’m within tongue’s reach of his delicious cock. If I then unzip his pants…


  I think my bare skin found glass. The pain momentarily distracts me.

  With a sigh, I start sweeping up the broken glass. In the sparse light, it’s difficult to see if I’ve got all of it, but I decide it will have to do.

  Quickly, I take dustpan, broom, and broken glass into t
he kitchen. I hear Daniel follow me. I don’t turn on the light.

  Moonlight filters in through the kitchen window. The big outside lanterns also seep in.

  Slowly, I turn toward Daniel, who’s standing so close behind me I can feel his breath on my neck.

  For a second, we stare at each other. Each and every fiber in my being is lusting after this man.

  I want to feel his fingers in me. I want to feel his cock in me. I want to ride it, and I want to stop thinking.

  He’s coming toward me.

  “Now, where were we?”

  Before I can respond, his strong hands grab me and pull me into him.

  Again, his mouth forces itself onto mine. He demands entry, and I strain toward him. My hands find his neck and hair.

  I pull him closer to me. As his hips press into me, I can feel his magnificent cock straining to break through his pants. My right hand drops, and I place it over the bulge. Even through the material, I can feel him pulsing.

  “We should…” I try to pull away from him. But he doesn’t let me go.

  “You’re right,” he murmurs into my hair. His fingers have found my pussy again.

  My back’s pushed against the kitchen counter. I’m arching my lower back, and my head’s touching the shelving.

  The man really knows how to push my buttons. Right now, his finger is gently pushing all the way into my already dripping pussy before he pulls it out again ever so slowly.

  Then he holds his wet finger in front of his face and licks it. The action is full of eroticism. I feel a shiver run through me.

  In my hand, his cock is about to explode.

  “I think we should make a drink and put some of these juices to use.” Daniel grins.

  My own eyes widen.

  It was fun and games to kiss and fool around, but we can’t have full-on sex in the kitchen of my parents’ house.

  Panic rises in me. The door opens again; someone calls someone’s name. I hold my breath, and the door slams shut again.

  “Relax, kitten.” Daniel’s eyes glint in the dim light. “How about a virgin margarita with a special touch?”

  Am I hearing him right? Before I can respond, Daniel moves about the kitchen. It seems to take him less than a minute to return to where I’m still standing with the ingredients for a cocktail.

  With one hand, he mixes, and with the other he goes back to taking care of my pussy. At first, I’m a little distracted by the blender, but when his finger is all the way in my pussy and he curls it up to rub against my sweet spot, any last hesitation goes out the window.

  “Oh, Daniel,” I moan and open his trousers.

  With his cocktail obviously done, he uses his other hand now to open my top and expose my breasts. As he frees them from their prison, they bounce up and down a little in anticipation of being touched.

  But Daniel doesn’t use his free hand to torture my nipples with pinching and pulling. He takes an ice cube and rolls it around my nipple and fleshy breast.

  The icy sensation sends flames of fire ripping through me. Oh god, I would never have thought such a simple thing could have such a powerful reaction.

  I push my chest toward him.

  At the same time, his finger is moving in and out of my pussy. His thumb is pushing against my clit, rubbing a little from side to side.

  There’s another noise—footsteps. I tense a little, but there’s nothing I can do. I’m totally paralyzed with pleasure. It seems as if they’re getting louder. And then just as I fear they’re coming into the kitchen, they turn away.

  My heart is beating wildly in my chest. The feeling of being discovered any second in my mom’s kitchen with my breasts exposed and Daniel’s finger in my pussy seems to only heighten my pleasure.

  Slowly, the world is losing focus around me as my head is filled with clouded lust.

  I barely register Daniel dipping his finger into the icy margarita mixture and dripping some onto my very hard nipples. When he lowers his mouth over them to suck off the delicious drink, I think I might actually pass out.

  Trying not to scream out loud in pleasure and have the whole family come running, I squeeze his dick a little harder. In response, I feel his teeth bite harder on my nipples.

  Then he pulls away again to drip more of the cocktail on me.

  He repeats this a few times, and the way my body is shivering, I know it won’t be long before I come.

  It feels a little wild and crazy, and I try not to think about the fact this is the place where for many, many years I used to watch Mom cook. Did she and Dad ever—

  Oh my god, no, stop. I don’t even want to think about my parents having sex.


  Daniel has increased his intensity with his fingers. I think he may even have two or three pushing into me as hard and fast as he can.

  My own hand is trying very hard to rub and squeeze his massive cock and balls. I roll them through my hands and knead them like dough.

  When I come suddenly, I come with an almighty spasm. The walls of my pussy grab onto Daniel’s fingers and don’t want to let them go. Explosions and fireworks rip through me, and for a while, I feel as if I’m floating on clouds.

  My breathing is short and shallow.

  Eventually, Daniel pulls out his fingers. They’re covered in my juices.

  Mesmerized, I watch him take one of the glasses he got ready before and smear my cum around the rim of the glass.

  He repeats this with the other glass before pouring his cocktail into them.

  With glowing eyes, he hands me one of the glasses.

  “Cheers.” He smirks and takes a drink.

  I follow. For the first time ever, I taste my own juices mixed in with the delicious flavor of a margarita.

  “Now then.” He leans into me again. “Where did you say your bedroom is?”

  Like a giggling teenager, I grab his hand and pull him out of the kitchen. I don’t bother to do up my top—any second I’ll rip it off anyway.

  When I close the bedroom door and lock it for good measure, it’s Daniel who does the ripping—first his own shirt and then mine.

  Chapter 20


  I rip my own shirt off and then Rose’s. For a few seconds, I feast my eyes on those fleshy tits. They bounce up and down a little as she’s wrestling with her skirt.

  Her perky pink nipples jut out, daring me to suck on them. I lean forward and oblige. I kiss each of them before I return to the task of undressing.

  Before I get out of my pants, I reach into the pocket and grab my condom. There’s a little bedside table near her bed, and I put it there.

  Before I slip it on, I want to make the most of those hands of hers.

  Of course, I know I’ll need to slip that bit of latex over my dick sooner rather than later―otherwise it will be one huge, massive disaster―but I’m not quite ready.

  There’s something about those hands of Rose’s. They’re velvety, sensual, strong, and just amazing.

  If I didn’t have this problem—no. I stop myself thinking about it. There’s no point anyway.

  I feel Rose’s hands wrap around my cock and squeeze. Then she opens up and lets her fingers move up and down my shaft as if she’s practicing the scales on the piano.

  It sends fireworks exploding in my balls and abdomen. My brain has long stopped working and has gone on extended leave.

  If I was right now asked to do even the simplest of tasks, like add up two plus two, I couldn’t. I’m lucky to be remembering my own name right now.

  I run my hands through her hair. It’s falling loosely over her shoulders, and I love the feel of it as it runs through my fingers.

  We’re just inside the room Rose has pulled me into. I’m not sure about the last time she’s been home or if she visits her parents often, but from what I can see, this is Rose’s space.

  The bed is covered with a bedspread of light purple with pink roses all over it. Large frilly matching cushions decorate the head of the bed.
  The bedside table has a simple, small light on it. There are no teddy bears from what I can see, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see one.

  I know girls love stuffed teddies. I never understood why.

  I push Rose back against the door. My mouth presses onto hers, hard. I want to devour her.

  She has this delicious scent about her; it’s not the overwhelming expensive perfume other women use. No. It’s sweet—but not too sweet—sensual, and intoxicating.

  I wonder if she’s aware of its effect and uses it for that reason?

  My tongue is in her mouth, practically trying to grab her tonsils, and my fingers are toying with her nipples.

  I can feel her push her hips forward and into mine. Her pussy is searching for my magic wand.

  But before I can enter her, I need to get my condom. All in good time, I think to myself and use my right hand to lift one of her legs and drape it over my hip. She gets the idea and hooks it behind my back.

  Now her pussy is really exposed and open. My hand presses against it.

  At the same time, my hips push into her so the length of my cock is against her skin. I feel her shiver with pleasure beneath me.

  I leave my hand where it is and press into her.

  She makes some fucking sexy sound, but it’s muffled with my mouth still over hers.

  Time seems to slow down, and I want to make the most of this magic moment. I feel droplets of precum on the tip of my dick.

  I push harder against her. I want to try and feel her skin for as long as I can before I hide my cock in the condom.

  Briefly, I toy with trying to fuck her without a condom.

  I mean, I’m so close. We’re here in the perfect position. Why not just see if I can glide in and find out what happens and just go for it?

  But we haven’t settled our deal. We haven’t officially agreed to this baby bargain.

  Since I don’t know how much longer I can do this, I take her other leg and also hook it around my back.

  Now I carry her over to the bed. As I walk, I suck on those gorgeous tits of hers. They’re now just at the right height.

  At first, Rose looks at me a little confused. But when my lips wrap around her nipples, she pushes her naked body hard into me.